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Each of us has that ineffable, ethereal essence —a spark— that makes us who we are.
There is no limit to what you can accomplish when you tend to your inner light.
Start with an Insight Session to find out more about how to access your divine spark and create the change you want in your life. Coaching packages become available to you after we've met.

So what exactly is Soul Coaching?Soul Coaching is a holistic, spiritual approach to life coaching. A life coach supports you in finding lasting happiness, as well as supporting you through life changes. As a soul coach, I can help you move from living to thriving by helping you discover your unique strengths and how to leverage them to attain your goals. I'm also thrilled to help anyone who is evolving spiritually!
What is an Insight Session?An Insight Session is a free 30 minute introductory coaching session. We will go over exactly what you'd like help with, how I can support you, and work on first steps toward your goal —all while getting to know each other better! Once you book a timeslot with me, you'll need to fill out my intake form. It'll arrive by email a little while after you've booked. The form is a bit long, but that doesn't mean your answers have to be. The goal is to get a starting point for your coaching. If you're not sure you're ready to get started with coaching, send me an email with any questions or concerns you might have.
What can I get help with?I am comfortable helping in the following areas: → General support: you're ready to embrace or create change in your life and you'd like some support, a sounding board, and space to co-create more joy, as well as... → Spirituality: you want to connect with your inner divinity, higher-self, and spirit guides in order to align yourself with a life purpose → Mindset: you want to learn how to be present in the moment and not let negativity affect you so much → Career: you're ready for change, or you're in transition and considering your options → Small business/leadership: you're an entrepreneur and you need help getting going → Relationships: you want to be your best-self in order to create healthy connections → Pregnancy: you're starting or adding to a family, or you've experienced a loss → Grief: you've moved past the initial trauma of loss, and you're looking for a new channel for your grief If I haven't listed an area you had in mind, send me an email and we can chat. Or, check out my network! There are other professionals out there ready to help you with your goals!
What's the difference between Soul Coaching and a Tarot Reading?You can read the long answer on my blog. But in short, it comes down to what you are looking for. Tarot: impactful, short-term guidance SoulCoaching: on-going insightful, life-changing support
What kind of support can I expect?You can expect to get to know yourself better, and discover a deeper self-love. I want you to feel empowered to make the changes you need in your life, and to manifest your ideal future. The way to do that is to know your gifts, talents, and superpowers and leverage them toward your goals. In order to truly support your goals, it's important to look at all aspects of your life. This means identifying gaps that might be holding you back from being a creator in your own life and feeling your divinity. That means we'll dig into your strengths and assets, and we'll identify and address any blockages that might be holding you back, whether they are physical, mental, emotional, social, or spiritual. We'll tune into your energy frequency and discover exactly what happiness looks like for you (and how to get it).
What are your rates?Insight Session • 30 minutes • Free — one time only Single Session • 60 minutes • $125 Three Sessions • 60 minutes • $360 Six Sessions • 60 minutes • $675 Year-long package • 18x 75min sessions • $2,000 *Sliding scale: I will always offer a compassionate sliding scale on my rates. If you really want coaching but my price range is out of your reach, book a free Insight Session and we can discuss options that work for you.
I still don't get it.Well... Parallels have been drawn between therapists and life coaches, but they aren't the same. The biggest difference is that therapists specialize in dealing with healing, while life coaches deal with thriving! I'll help you clear out the clutter to make room for more happiness. As a coach, I want you to feel like your best self —the ultimate version of you. I want you to feel empowered. I want you to feel connected to your divine spark! It's also possible that coaching isn't right for you at this time, and that's cool. But if you're curious, go ahead and book an insight session with me. It's free, and we can take a look at how I might help you find that spark.
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